Thursday, March 21, 2013

Phase 5 and Going Strong!

Kale has been in phase 5 of our homotoxicology protocol since the end of January.  We are going strong and seeing some great little improvements.  We have finally hit intracellular detox with our protocol.  Kale is on biosode and doing great on it.  During the first 4 phases, we went slow and spent some extra time making sure his body was ready for intracellular detox, opening up his detox pathways.  Kids on the autism spectrum have tremendous difficulty detoxing on their own like many of our bodies can.  They need support through this process.  They need to get those toxins out!  Toxins block their ability to learn new skills, motor and cognitive.  Open up those pathways so they can detox.  That's what we did.  We were ready for intracellular.  I was anxious.......but ready.  I knew it could get ugly as his body got rid of the toxins.  I was prepared for the worst and hoping for the best.  4 weeks into biosode and guess has been mostly positive changes.  For the exception of some sleepless nights and a few skin rashes, he is doing very well!!

Positives during phase 5:  Increased eye contact, increased awareness, receptive language has increased including following multi step directions, behavior has improved, sensory defensiveness is down (continues to brush his teeth independently, let me trim his nails, got a haircut the other day and sat in the chair by himself with a cape on with no crying, hitting, slapping, etc., exploring and enjoying sensory messy play with no aversions, seems more regulated and not seeking as much input as he was).

His verbal stimms are definitely increased during this phase.  We are waiting for the increase in verbal language.  Some of his words are very clear!  Much clearer than his typical approximations.  Although, not a huge surge in his expressive speech yet.  He has become mischevious again.  He is making messes and destroying his brothers room.  These are behaviors he had years ago.  Mary warned us that he would go backwards with this behavior and that he would need to do this in order to move forward.

In January, we also added SLIT (Sublingual Immunotherapy) to the party with Kale.  This protocol will help to decrease the inflammation in Kale's body, which is caused by the foods he was eating on a daily basis.  When we had Kale tested with the naturopath, we found out we would need to remove the following foods from his diet:  potato, tomato, corn, all berries, red apples (green were ok), grapes, blk pepper, green and red pepper, all purple and red foods, etc.  He was already GFCF.  We went to all organic and I make all of his food from almost scratch.  I am cooking constantly and washing dishes and going to Whole Foods twice a week.  He will remain on these dietary restrictions for about 6 months while he is on sublingual drops which will desensitize the reaction he has to the foods.  We will be able to reintroduce the foods at some point in the near future. I struggled at the thought of removing all of these foods from his daily diet in the beginning.  Honestly, it has not been that bad and he has done AMAZING with all of it.  He has tried new foods along the way and he is eating more foods.

Overall, things are good and we are plugging along!!  :)  We are looking forward to the next few phases which could bring about tackling yeast and bacteria.