Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Kale has been on phase two remedies for 6 days now.  I started with only the emotional supports.  There are 4 that are supporting him through this phase of the protocol.  He has 3 drainers that will work to continue to open up the pathways so the toxins can release from his organs and get OUT of his body. 
I started with one drainer last night, that targets his kidneys.  I only put two drops of the remedy on his wrists.  He also started a new supplement that will help him to sleep better (hoping!!).  He slept 8 hours and woke up fine.  By 7:15 am he was hitting himself (no hitting throughout the entire weekend on only the emotional supports), hitting me and then crying a cry that I have never heard before.  I picked him up to stop the hitting, held him tight and he held me tighter.  He actually clung to me for minutes on end as he sobbed.  It was horrifying as a mom because I know he was scared of how he was feeling, he had never cried that hard before and has never clung to me that hard or long before.  Mary had said that this specific remedy could bring on fear.  As his body awakens and the toxins come out, my son could experience fear.  To my knowledge, he has never experienced this emotion before...not that I could ever tell.  He could not get on the bus this morning.  He requested a bath but we had to get Jaden to school.  So, we dropped J off at school and returned home.  I called my dad and he jumped in his truck to come over and help.  Kale LOVES his papa.  Actually, he is a bit obsessed with his PAPA.  PAPA can do no wrong in Kale's eyes.  He actually makes everything a bit better....Kale took a bath and when he got out, PAPA was here!  Kale laid in bed with PAPA and calmed down.  PAPA spent a few hours with Kale.  Grama came over after work to check on him as well.  This child is so loved and supported by sooooo many!  We are so fortunate.....we could not do it without them!  Nope.....not ever!!  Grama also laid with him for awhile, staring at his big brown eyes all the while.....worrying.  Worrying if we are doing the right thing but knowing that we are.  Focusing on what the next 10 months may bring us, hoping for what the next 10 months will bring us.  We are seeing little things already.  We have all experienced different looks from Kale...like he is really seeing us.  He is noticing details that he had not paid any attention to before.  He says "bye" to his caring bus driver and monitor (our beloved Ms. Beth!!) without being prompted for the first time. 

This afternoon, I gave him his emotional support remedies, burbur to support his emotional instability, and two more drops on his wrist of the kidney detox (at 6:30 pm)....along with his George's Aloe Vera Juice.  By 8:30 pm, Kale had a bath and red dots were already noticeable on his cheeks and his nose.  Not again.....detox is happening so fast.  TWO little dots of liquid could produce a reaction this quickly.  I gave him his new sleep supp (just half a capsule) and he was out by 8:45 pm.  Detoxing burns energy all day long!  So, he is exhausted much of the day.  He was so tired tonight, his little body couldn't stay up a minute longer.  I have been watching him very closely.  We have had many moments of clarity, he and I.  He is seeking me out more throughout the day to just give me a hug.  These moments are getting me through the hard moments.  It is hard to put my son through this detox process.  It is hard to put myself through this process!  BUT I know that this is the right journey for us right now.  And that was just week one of phase two.....

Thursday, November 8, 2012


OH MY!!!  Still on phase one remedies....and Kale is a verbal stimming machine!  OH MY GOODNESS!  He was up at 2am, verbal stimming like a maniac...ALL NIGHT LONG!  It was so loud it was almost a scream.  The stimming has continued today as well. 

5 of the Phase 2 remedies arrived today.  We will be starting a few of the support remedies, the non-drainers.  Once the drainers arrive, we will be adding one in per day to see how he handles them. 

Hoping for a quiet nights sleep!  :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

IEP Meeting and progress update

Today, I had Kale's annual IEP meeting.  The reports were good.  He is making progress with eye contact, receptive language, keyboarding and writing, personal information, sensory regulation, PE activities,etc.  He is able to eat lunch in the very loud and crazy cafeteria just fine, he follows multi step directions in the educational environment, he is progressing.  He handles changes in his day without meltdowns, he is working with different aides throughout the day versus his 1:1 and handles the transitions pretty well considering he absolutely adores his 1:1.  He is regulating his body when he needs to (sensory wise).  His goals were all changed to focus on the holes in his development.  The goal is to fill those holes and build upon learned skills.   This was all awesome to hear.  :)  His team reported that the last two weeks have been pretty good...different they said.  They said HE is different (in a good way)and that yesterday was an absolutely FABULOUS day all around.  He had two speech sessions yesterday, 30 minutes each and he was a rock star for both!  :)

What kind of progress am I seeing on this homotoxicology protocol?  I see increased eye contact, moments of pure clarity where he looks at me or someone else with those gigantic brown eyes as if he were seeing us in a different way, more compliant, laughing at appropriate situations that should be laughed at.  He is also writing his phone number when asked what is your phone number?  He is also attempting to write more.  His verbal approximations are clearer and he is able to produce better sounds. 

Do I think this protocol is making a difference?  ABSOLUTELY.  The emotional fall out is minute to minute still but when he is ON....he is ON and I am sucking up every bit of awesomeness that is coming from him!  Mary Coyle believes he will get better on this protocol....the toxins will detox, they will leave his body and he will be a healthier kid...there will be LESS of AUTISM and MORE of KALE.  Oh am I praying.....


OMG!  SOOOO much going on and so little time to post.  Let's get caught up here!  OK, we had our 2nd call with Mary Coyle finally!!  Our second round of samples finally arrived and after Hurricane Sandy ripped through New York Mary's office was not fully functioning...but we got the phone call in this past Monday.  Initially, she wanted to know how Kale was doing on the first round of remedies.  Now I have been emailing back and forth with her every time he had a negative reaction (red bumps on his face, aggression increasing, etc.) so she had been up to speed on almost everything.  She asked how he was eating (a lot and often) and she explained that as the kids detox, they burn calories.  This makes their blood sugar drop and they in turn are hungry more frequently.  That makes sense considering Kale requests food all of the time!
She asked about his sleeping (ummmm....Kale doesn't sleep much, often is a nighttime waker and hardly ever enters the REM stage of uninterrupted sleep), so she has recommended a supplement to add to his nighttime routine in addition to the 5 mg of Melatonin he has been on forever.
She asked about his aggression (bad bad bad aggression for awhile but has been better the last two weeks).  We chatted for awhile and then she hung up with me to go run his samples in her super awesome machine.
20 minutes later....phone rings and it's Mary!  I jumped to get the phone and answered with excitement to obtain the results of his hair and saliva samples!  Did the remedies work?  Were the toxins beginning to come out?  Was he responding to this new protocol we have put him on?  All answers were a BIG FAT YES!!!!
Mary said, good news!!  He is a great responder!  His detox pathways are opening up, his toxic levels are going down and I am happy with what I am seeing!!  SAWEEEEETTTTT!!!!!

Mary explained that his adrenals and kidneys were still stressed (high load of toxins) so we will focus on opening up the pathways to his kidneys this round of remedies.  His skin, liver, endocrine, lymphatic, central nervous system and spleen are all opening up nicely.  He is not fully ready for the intracellular round of detox (that will happen in phase 3 in another 6 weeks) so she is going to detox at the intermediary level for this round.  Because Kale is 9 years old (considered "older" in the recovery process) he has a lot of toxins to get out and we don't want to move to fast with the detox process because it will be hell on him and on me.

She then went on to explain all of the remedies she was suggesting we put him on for this phase.  There are many....but in this batch we will have a remedy for calming, a remedy for anti-stress and a remedy for emotional support.  All of which will assist in the process as his body goes through detox this round.  Now, we wait for the little bottles of remedies (hope) to arrive in the mail from New York and we will start phase two ASAP.  My excitement is over the moon.  I KNOW this is the path we have to travel in order for Kale to get healthy, in order to give him the best chance at the life he is suppose to lead.  I am thrilled to have found Mary and feel so blessed to be a part of this journey.

I will post the remedies we are going to be on once I receive them.  Please continue to pray for my son as we enter phase TWO!  :)